Does your basement smell musty and less than appealing? Are you embarrassed to have friends and family use your basement area for games and parties? That is a common complaint for homeowners who want to use their basement as a living area, but who can’t seem to get rid of the basement smell. Consider this information on why basements have an odor and what to do about it:
- Basement odors are not usually from plumbing or other mechanicals. While you may think that the odors in your basement may be from plumbing or other piping, generally, basement odors are as a result of mold and mildew growth.
- Mold and mildew are helpful outdoors, but not indoors. In an outdoor environment, mold and mildew are a natural occurrence that assist in the decomposition process. However, when that same mold and mildew enters a home, it can cause issues.
- Basement flooring can host odors and molds. Basement odors are likely from moisture and mold that is growing in the flooring. This odor can be impossible to get rid of without changing basement flooring.
- How does mold grow in a basement floor? Mold and mildew love dark, damp areas – exactly the description of the area right underneath your carpet or basement tile. Moisture comes up from the basement floor due to hydrostatic pressure from the soil underneath the home. As the moisture travels upward, it cannot circumvent your basement floor, so it moves through the concrete and into your basement.
- Nature Stone prevents the buildup of moisture. At Nature Stone, we understand the process of hydrostatic pressure. That is why our stone and epoxy floor has been developed to deal with the moisture by including hydrostatic port technology. Unlike carpet and tile, which block the passage of moisture into the basement area, our floors allow moisture to travel up through the floor through tiny pores. The moisture can then evaporate harmlessly into the air.
- Hydrostatic ports prevent mold and mildew growth. The inclusion of hydrostatic port technology means that basements stay dry and mold free. Since mold and mildew can’t grow in a stone and epoxy floor, your home will stay better and family members with allergies and asthma may be more comfortable.
Ready for a dry, pleasant smelling basement? Call Nature Stone today for the best basement flooring options. Call now for more information!